Oral Appliance Therapy for Sleep Apnea with Compliance Tracking
Oral appliance therapy has emerged as an important alternative to continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) in treating patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, especially for those with mild to moderate sleep apnea. It is also seen as a viable alternative for those who cannot wear the CPAP devices due to various reasons. However, many physicians, insurance companies and employers, especially those in the transportation industry, prefer CPAP because of its ability to record whether patients are being compliant with their therapy. There are now oral devices available with advanced technology built into them to measure the patient’s compliance and have the ability to measure and record the amount of time the device is worn and even the head position of the patient while sleeping.
This has become of paramount importance for transportation workers, many of whom are mandated to record their OSA treatment by their employers, since the president signed the sleep apnea bill in 2013 (H.R.3095).
Whether you are a patient needing to reliably track your compliance with an oral device, a physician looking for an alternative for CPAP-intolerant patients or a dentist needing a solution for patients who are transportation workers, oral appliances with Compliance Recorders offer you the solution you’re looking for.

Drop In. Data Out.
With the DentiTrac base station and a web-enabled PC, compliance data is easily extracted from the micro-recorder and sent to the cloud.
Designed to Simplify Tracking.
Follow a clean summary of daily activity or dive into the details of each day's
compliance results.